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How Cloud Computing Can Make Your Business Run More Efficiently

It was only a matter of time before businesses turned to alternative methods of storing and processing data. At the rate businesses were expanding, it wasn’t worth storing the data physically and running all of the processes locally. Enter...

Public Safety In The Cloud

We ve recently read an article on the importance and utility of cloud in several industries: education, marketing companies, online entertainment, healthcare, information technology, finance and banking, telecommunication, hospitality, start-ups and security. I have no doubt that cloud computing...

IT Disaster Recovery For SMEs

According to credible estimates, an hour of outage may cost a medium sized company $70,000. Yes, that is accumulated losses when IT systems go offline. What’s interesting to note here is that in contrast to the popular belief that...

Cleaning Out The Data Pipes

Parkinson’s Law states that work expands so as to fill the time available. Something similar could be said about network bandwidth; left unchecked, the volume of data will always increase to consume what is available. In other words, continually...